Venture for Canada
VFC supports Canadian intrapreneurs. For several years, AIMH has partnered with VFC to develop technological and written innovations that support mental health care. Here are the intrapreneurs who have worked with us over the years.
VFC soutient les entrepreneurs Canadiens/nnes. L'IASM s'est associée à VFC pour développer des technologies et innovations écrites qui soutiennent les soins de santé mentale. Voici nos anciens stagiaires dans la programme
d’intrapreneuriat de Venture for Canada.

University of New Brunswick
Winter/hiver 2022

Sana Khurram
MacEwan University
Spring/printemps 2022

Linda Nguyen
University of Windsor
Summer/l'été 2022

Pei Chang Zhong
University of Toronto
Summer/l'été 2022

Summer/été 2023

Carleton University

Evelyn MacDonald
University of Windsor
Winter/hiver 2023